This song will reminds us all to somehow believe that there is still a slightest
chance of having the best love story that is yet to be told and unfold.
May the whole universe conspire to fulfill our desires, of this kind or of any other!
PERSONAL AND NON PERSONAL MATTERS -“LOVE ALL, TRUST A FEW, DO WRONG TO NONE" Evenimente culturale, poezie, memorialistică, personalităţi, istorie, memorii, emoții, povești, senryu, haiku, articole de presă, simpozioane, promovare culturală, muzee, semne şi însemne, zodiac, vernisaje, proiecte, reviste, gânduri, idei, muzică, stări, atitudini, impresii, parenting, amintiri, diverse - “PER ASPERA AD ASTRA"
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